
Your research is done! Now it's time for your team to show everything they have learned.

As a group, you will use the information you have gathered to make a report to the other members of our class. You may publish your report as a Word/Pages booklet, PowerPoint/Keynote presentation or another format that has been approved by your teacher.

Be creative and make sure you include all the information you collected during your research.

Your report must include answers to the questions:

  1. What is Tomatosphere?
  2. What is the experiment and how will it be done?
  3. Why are scientists doing this experiment?

Remember, this is a group project. 

  • Work together.
  • Be respectful.
  • Listen to each other.
  • Everyone must do their part (no bosses or bossiness).

You will be evaluated on your organization, ideas, language use, COPS (conventions) and how well you worked as a group.

Click here for a checklist to help keep you on track!

Work hard, have fun, do your best!