
Good scientists consider all the facts before they make an important decision. You need to find out the following information:  

  • What is Tomatosphere?
  • What is the experiment and how will it be done?
  • Why are scientists doing this experiment?

For this quest, you will be working in groups of three. Every member of the group has an important role to play in gathering information so we can decide if we want to become part of the Tomatosphere Project Team. Each person in the group will choose one role:

The Investigator Scientist

Investigator Scientists dig into the unknown by observing, understanding and piecing together knowledge and data.

The Regulator Scientist

Regulator Scientists make sure that the science and technology being used are safe and reliable.

The Explorer Scientist

Explorer Scientists are often on a journey of discovery "to boldly go where no man has gone before".

Once you have chosen your role, you will be finding information to help us with our decision. Click here to get ID badges for your group.

As a group, you will use the information you have found to make a report to the other members of our class. You may publish your report as a Word/Pages booklet, PowerPoint/Keynote presentation, or another format that has been approved by your teacher.

Before you begin, everyone needs to know more about scientists. You must answer the following questions:

  • What is a scientist?
  • What do scientists do?

Click here to download a worksheet for recording your answers.

First, read the book "What is a Scientist?" by, Barbara Lehn.

Next, watch the following videos:

Now that you know some information about scientists, it's time to continue your quest. Click on the link below to go on to the next step.
